Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Governance Structure of NCAA Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Governance Structure of NCAA - Assignment Example In 1952, the association regulated any live televised coverage (Bleischwitz, 2004). NCAA reorganized itself into three divisions, each representing a different level of competition in various sports. It also collected statistics on football and basketball and publishes guidebooks on these sports such as gymnastics’ swimming as well as others. More than 800 educational institutions became members in the late 20th century. In order to have a more fluid governance structure, NCAA needs to practice effective communication among the members to have a strong governance structure. This is where the members have monthly meetings to evaluate if they are working in line with their vision and mission. Moreover, NCAA needs to provide state of the art facilities, which get maintenance where the athletes can practice. There should be an effective and timely succession planning of the athletes. This is because the athletes need to train for the upcoming and new athletes. The NCAA should employ qualified members and positions given to the right people. In addition, the NCAA should have proper guidelines and regulations on the expectations of all the members and athletes. In addition, proper disciplinary actions for those violating the rules need implementation (Faghfouri, 2013). Lastly, rewarding and training the athletes who perform well is also crucial, as the athletes feel appreciated. In addition, the athletes need to receive training on how they may use their funds when they have won. This is because most of the athletes misappropriate the money. Some of the market strategies that NCAA should be involved in include the following. The NCAA should create branded online destinations to surround interested members or new athletes with online experiences. The NCAA should use the social media platform to create talk ability of the Association.

Monday, October 28, 2019

It Is a Constant Image of Your Face Essay Example for Free

It Is a Constant Image of Your Face Essay Dennis Vincent Brutus was a South African activist, educator, journalist and poet best known for his campaign to have apartheid South Africa banned from the Olympic Games. He lived between 28th November 1924 and 26th December 2009. He was born in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and had ancestry of mixed French, Italian and South African. His activist life likens him to a crusader for his country. A knight on duty for a mistress; and this has so often appeared in his poetry. He loved South Africa deeply and did everything to win its freedom. In this poem, â€Å"It Is the Constant Image of Your Face†, he closes the first stanza by saying â€Å"my land takes precedence of all my loves†. This was his passion. While he was in prison, news broke that South Africa had been banned from the 1964 Tokyo Olympics as he had campaigned for. First Thoughts on the Poem In this poem, the poet experiences a deep feeling of guilt and remorse. The poet has framed an image of his beloved whose face is constantly before him, while he is engrossed in a world of his own; a world in which thoughts are like knives, hurling accusations at him. These accusations cut deeply into the poet’s consciousness and remind him of his treachery to his native country. Apparently, the poet has left his native home, having been captivated by the beauty and assurances of his beloved. However, deep in his heart he knows that no other love can lay claim to his loyalty but his homeland which is above all other loves. Feelings of remorse and guilt plague the thoughts of the poet. To him, leaving his country is like an act of treason and treachery. Although he prizes his beloved, he pleads for forgiveness from his country whose tenderness matches or surpasses that of the beloved. Second Thoughts on the Poem This poem is a typical Dennis Brutus poem. As is characteristic, he compares his love for South Africa, to the love he has for some other person. Maybe, a woman! He opens the poem by saying ‘the constant image’ (line 1) of his woman’s face and the ‘grave attention’ (line 3) of her eyes which survey him amid his ‘world of knives’ (line 4), accuse him perennially. This is all coming to him as a memory because in line 2, he makes the allusion to a period gone when his love was knelt before him with the frame of her face in his hands. His ‘world of knives’ can mean so many things at once. It could mean that Brutus was surrounded by apartheid South Africa with its numerous brutalities. It could also mean that he was conflicted inside him, in a way that struck him like many knives piercing at once. Again, he could be talking about the conflict between his two loves as the poem tells us as we read on. And we are yet to know what she accuses him for, but Brutus doesn’t make us wonder long. She accuses him of heart’s-treachery (line 6). No, not even accuses but convicts! He has accepted that he has been treacherous to his woman, going on to probably share his love with another. But he does not apologise for it. He tells her that none of the two of them can ‘plead excuses’ (line 7) for his seeming infidelity because apparently, he cannot stop his love for his land and she can also ‘claim no loyalty’ (line 8). I want to risk saying that he is saying that he’s not bound to be loyal to her because ‘my land takes precedence of all my loves’ (line 9). He loves his land more than all his other loves. His land is his woman’s rival. The second stanza is an attempt to pacify the heart of his woman who has been brought to the saddening realisation that she cannot have her lover all to herself. He begs mitigation (line 10), meaning that he admits that he has done wrong but is ready to give reasons for it. He calls her lover an ‘accomplice of my heart’ (line 11). That is like saying that she is equally guilty of his betrayal of his greater love. The woman is so beautiful that she has blackmailed him with her beauty (line 12) and made him a backslidden lover when it comes to his land. He has given his heart to another one outside his precedent love. In fact, her love for him has been so sweet and protective that he finds no shame in confessing his denial of his country. He calls it a ‘still-fresh treason’ (line 15). But in this confused place, a world of knives, he pleads, hopes (line 16) that his dearest love (line 16), South Africa, will pardon him freely (line 17) and not blame his woman. He ends by revealing more of his confusion, saying that South Africa, his first love, is his woman’s ‘mistress (or your match)’ (line 18), not knowing which to say is more tender. He loves one, he loves the other. One was able to conspire with his heart and steal his affection from the other, and now he does not even know whether the two are matched or one is dearer to his heart. The greater emotion here is Brutus’ guilt of diluting the apartheid struggle with other cares. His love of his land is shown here overwhelmingly. This poem is another beauty that has added a little more tonnage to my love for this most romantic of poets coming from Africa.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Innovation Process of Amazon Kindle Essays -- Business, Online Store

INTRODUCTION entered the UK market as on October 1998 by acquiring the site previously operated by Bookpages Ltd. The company began as US online book store in 1994. The retailer soon became very successful in the new market as its primary offer included over 1.4 million book titles, comprehensible search tools, secure transaction, direct shipping and also high discounts on thousands of popular books (Amazon, 1998). During 17 years of its presence on the market, Amazon offers various products and services including books, DVD, jewellery, electronics, furniture, , clothes, cosmetics, digital downloads, website development etc. (Datamonitor, 2010). Amazon significantly extended its product offer and currently is one of the leading online retailers in the world with several international websites and customers in over 200 countries. Amazon Kindle is one of Amazon’s recent remarkable products. Kindle is a portable device which allows user to read, download, and store e-books due to its wireless connection and internal memory (Amazon, 2009). The first version was originally launched in US market in 2007 and achieved success as sold out in five and a half hours (Patel, 2007). Later, Kindle has been through several upgraded versions; Kindle original, Kindle 2, Kindle DX, Kindle DX Graphite, and the most recent version Kindle 3 with improvements mostly on the shape, contrast, memory capacity, and operating system. Earlier versions of Kindle had been criticized for its aesthetic and user interface issues. Reviews from customers and gadget experts motivated Amazon to further improve the product. Kindle 3 was officially launched in July 2010. This new generation of Kindle is available in two options of connectivity;... ...cessfully established its position as market leader. This should be maintained with continuous and substantial improvement. Currently Kindle 3 operates in grayscale mode and it is potential for the company to develop the color version in the future. One thing need to be improved is its pricing strategies. The company should avoid reducing price on every new version as it could affect customer expectation and product value perception. Customer-oriented pricing strategies can be used in the future to establish Kindle standard price. This could be achieved by understand how customer use the product, the product benefit for customers, and estimate all relevant cost and compare how the product benefits offset these costs (Shiu, 2011b). This is an important point to consider in order to achieve sustainable position as the leading innovative e-book reader in the market.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Motivational Essay

Motivational Essay What is â€Å"Motivation†? Motivation means the desire to do something, or having interest or drive. People need motivation to do things that they have no interest or drive to do. For me as an example, I need motivation to get up early every morning, to go to school, or even going to the gym. I used to have problems doing things because I never had any motivation to do anything, No friends to be there when I needed them. They we’re always busy.So I had to figure out something. I searched many ways to bring my life to order, Some of them worked in the short run, but nothing truly fulfilled the requirement of life peace. A few months ago this all began to change. I started a daily workout schedule; I have been going to the gym 4 to 5 times a week , I’ve been going for almost a year. I started a healthy diet, I don’t eat out as much as I used to. I used to eat McDonald’s, Burger king , Carl’s Jr. very day . Now all my food is home cooked, and I quit smoking cigarettes because I have asthma and also did it, to better my health, and to this day it has brought stability to my personal life as well as my social life . I also decided to change up my studying habits in which it helped me motivate myself. Developing better study habits will help me with my course of study because it will better prepare me for any assignments or exams that are given in the future.In the past, and even sometimes now I have had a frequent problem of procrastination, and because of this I lack both rest and preparation to either finish my homework or do well on my tests. Beginning either my studies or assignments early on will help me drastically because dividing the workload within several days will help me retain information more effectively, as compared to all in one night. In conclusion of it all, I figured out my balance to life. I overcame my motivational barrier and prove to everyone that only I can, (as my own personal sour ce) be the only one to change my life up and change for the better.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


H2SO3 Sulfurous acid is the chemical compound with the formula H2SO3. H2SO3 is a clear, colorless liquid with a sulfurous odor. It is a weak acid that is formed when sulfur dioxide is dissolved in water. Sulfurous acid is used as a bleaching and chemical reducing agent that is often used in medicine, throat and nasal sprays and skin lotions. Antiseptics, anti-fermentative, and antizymotics include sulfites that are formed from the acid. This compound is only stable in aqueous solutions, and decomposes back into sulfur dioxide and water when left standing.In addition, sulfurous acid is a crucial component to acid rain (1). H2SO3 causes burns in all exposure routes, its target organs are the respiratory system if inhaled, eyes through direct contact, skin through direct contact and gastrointestinal system if ingested. However, there is no chronic health hazards with H2SO3 (2). If Sulfurous acid is inhaled medical attention should be sought out immediately, the individual should be remo ved from the exposure to a more ventilated area with fresh air.If breathing remains difficult oxygen should be given, mouth to mouth should not be given if Sulfurous acid is inhaled or ingested. If Sulfurous acid makes direct contact to the eyes the eyes should be flushed immediately with a great deal of water for 15 minutes while lifting the lower and upper lids of the eye. medical attention should be sought out. If direct contact is made to the skin medical attention again should be sought out immediately. The skin should be flushed with water for 15 minutes and the contaminated clothing removed.And lastly, if the compound should be ingested vomiting should not be induced, medical attention should be sought out and poison control contacted. (2) Having exposure to to this compounds decomposition product sulfur dioxide in the air can reduce lung function and increase the likelihood of respiratory diseases and symptoms it has also been known to cause irritation of the eyes, nose and throat along with premature mortality. The elderly, children and individuals suffering already from respiratory conditions such as asthma are at a higher risk than most (3).Environments storing or utilizing this compound should be furnished with an eyewash station and a safety shower. and the compound should only be used under a fume hood. Protective eyewear, gloves and clothing should be worn when dealing with Sulfurous acid. In addition, a respirator protection program should be in used. The compound should be stored in a cool, dry place in a tightly closed container. Spills of Sulfurous acid should be absorbed with inert material and put in onto appropriate container.Wear a self contained breathing apparatus and appropriate personal protection. (2) The material that is left behind and cannot be saved or recycled should be managed in an appropriate waste facility where it can be analyzed for specific disposal requirements. Some state and local disposal regulations differ from fede ral requirement. It is crucial that the disposal of the container and unused material meets federal, state and local disposal requirements. (2) Bibliography 2. DuPont. (2006, October 14).Sulfur dioxide[Material Safety Data Sheet]. Retrieved from http://msds. dupont. com/msds/pdfs/EN/PEN_09004a2f8000730a. pdf 1. D. Sulzle, M. Verhoeven, J. K. Terlouw, H. Schwarz (1988). â€Å"Generation and Characterization of Sulfurous Acid (H2SO3) and of Its Radical Cation as Stable Species in the Gas Phase†. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 27: 1533–4. 3. Ostro, Bart. 1994. â€Å"Estimating the Health Effects of Air Pollutants: A Method with an Application to Jakarta. † Policy Research Working Paper 1301.