Sunday, November 10, 2019

Library and Literature Survey Essay

I here by declare that the Literature Survey entitled â€Å" – – — – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – † is based on the original research work carried out by me for partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Paper No. B-106: Current Problems in Library and Information Science, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi, Delhi. (Designation), Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi, Delhi for his meticulous and expert guidance, constructive criticism, patient hearing and benevolent behavior through out my ordeal of the present research. I shall remain grateful to him for his cordial, cooperative attitude, wise and knowledgeable counsel that acted as an impetus in the successful completion of my project work. I would like to particularly thank the Head of the Department ________________ (Name of the HOD) for giving me guidance and inspiration during my study in the department. I never forget the kind help extended by the HOD. It however, not possible for me to forget the kind of help provided by the faculty members, Professor (Mrs. ) S. P. Singh, Dr. Shailendra Kumar, Dr. (Mrs. ) P. K. Walia, Dr. K. P. Singh, Dr. (Mrs.) Meera, and Mr. Manish Kumar. I also convey my thanks to Department Library Staff for extending their support in my study in the department. At last but not least my friends in the department who deserves some words of thanks. ABSEES – American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies ACE – Academic Computing Environment AgNIC – Agriculture Network Information Center CD-ROM – Compact Disc Read Only Memory DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals DL – Digital Library FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions ICT – Information and Communication Technology ILL – Inter Library Loan LBS -Liverpool Business School LIS Library and Information Science. LISA – Library and Information Science Abstracts OPAC – Online Public Access Catalogue MLA – Modern Language Association of America SOA – Service Oriented Architecture UAEU – United Arab Emirates University USA – United States of America USC – University of Southern California Web OPAC – Web –based Online Public Access Catalogue WLD – World Digital Library iv CONTENTS Page No. Declaration i Certificate ii Acknowledgements iii List of Abbreviations Used iv Contents v Preface Complete List of Journals Core List of Journals. State of the art Report Chapter-1: Introduction 1 -3 1. 1 Introduction 01 1. 2 Purpose of the Literature Survey 1. 3 Objectives of the Literature Survey 1. 4 Scope of the Study 1. 5 Methodology 1. 6 Arrangement of Entries Chapter-2: Theoretical-base containing Introduction, historical development, definitions and sub-headings related to topic Chapter – 3: Bibliography with Abstract Appendix –I: Author Index Appendix –II: Title Index v PREFACE _____________________________________________________________ Add introduction with relevance, need and importance of the topic. This Literature Survey report on â€Å"__________________________ (Title)† has carried out to fulfill the requirements of the Paper- B-106: Current Problems in Library and Information Science for the academic session (20 – – – 20 – -). The presentation of review of literature on ———————————— (Title) and related studies is grouped under Three (3) chapters: Chapter – 1: Introduction Add introduction Chapter – 2: Theoretical-base containing Introduction, historical development, definitions and sub-headings related to topic Add introduction and description of the topic in separate headings. Chapter – 3: Bibliography with Abstract gives complete citation information about the various literatures used in the study with proper abstract according to Modern Language Association of America (MLA) Handbook for writers of research papers, 7th edition. Appendix- I: Author Index with Abstract. This chapter deals with the names of the authors related to references provided in the Chapter-3 of the report i. e. Bibliography with Abstract. All authors in the part are arranged in alphabetically. Appendix- II: Title Index gives at a glance overview of the titles of the articles used in the study and arranged in alphabetical order. vi COMPLETE LIST OF JOURNALS Sr. No. Name of the Journal Page No. 01 Aslib Proceedings 27,31 02 Collection Building 13 03 Community and Junior College Libraries 26 04 DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology 32 05 Internet Research 06 Journal of Education and Information Science 31 07 Journal of Library Administration 23 08 Journal of Medical Library Information 21 09 Library Hi Tech News 29,30 10,12,18,21,22, 23,24,26,31,32 10 Library Journal 11 Library Management 12 Library Review 13 New Library World 14 OCLC Systems and Services 27,30 15 Online Information Review 15,26,30,31,32. 16 Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems Reference Services Review 16,17,18,31,32 17 32 9,16,17,19,25,29 16,31 9,20,31 11,14,15,23,29, 30,32 18 The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finance 19 The Electronic Library 32 12,13,14,20,24,25 28,30. 31. 32 20 The TQM Magazine 21 Vine 22 25 Webology 10,11,21,29. 31 22 vii CORE LIST OF JOURNALS Sr. No. Name of the Core Journal Page No. 01 Annals of Library and Information Studies 30 02 Information Age 29 03 Information Development 13 04 Information Outlook 14 05 Information Studies 17,32 06 Information Technology and Libraries. 29,30 07 Journal of Documentation 22,30 08 Library and Information Update viii 11 Chapter –1 INTRODUCTION 1. 1 INTRODUCTION The survey is a recognized and accepted part of the modern society. It is one of the means by which society keeps it informed, away of bringing under central situations of increasing size and complexity of obtaining perceptive and standard of comparison. A survey gives an oversight of a field and is thus distinguishing from a sort of study which consists of a microscopic examination of a turf; it is a map rather than a detailed plan. The survey must be planned before a start is made. 1. 2 PURPOSE OF THE LITERATURE SURVEY The literature review plays a very important role in the research process. It is a source from where research ideas are drawn and developed into concepts and finally theories. It also provides the researcher a bird’s eye view about the research done in that area so far. Depending on what is observed in the literature review, a researcher will understand where his/her research stands. Here in this literature survey, all primary, secondary and tertiary sources of information were searched. The study of literature on ——————————————- (your topic name) in general and in the field of library and information science particular revealed several efforts made by the scholars in different discipline. The purpose of the literature survey is to collect a lot of number of journal’s article about a particular topic like as I have collected — (number) articles of â€Å"————————————(your topic name)† with abstract. The main aim of this collection is to provide a guideline and brief information of researcher, user and other person who want information about this topic. 1 1. 3 OBJECTIVES OF THE LITERATURE SURVEY The main objective of the Literature survey is to: (i) know who writes, what and where about (your topic name); (ii) identify the tools and sources of (your topic name), and (iii) prepare the relevant bibliographic entries with abstract of the related topic. 1. 4 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The literature survey is conducted for the period 20– – 20– . It includes the articles of journals, which are subscribed by the Central Library, University of Delhi, Delhi. A search has been conducted on the terms â€Å" —————————-(your topic related keywords†, â€Å" —————–†, in LISA, Emerald, LISTA, Science direct, EBSCO and other database to complete review of literature for the proposed study, including search on e-journals websites. In addition to above searches, bibliography of journal article are also reviewed for more sources as well as websites and consulted various eminent experts. 1. 5 METHODOLOGY For preparing of this literature survey I have taken a lot of steps for collecting the articles about the (your topic name). First Sir/madam, told us about the what is literature survey and what are the steps involved for preparing it. He had given me the topic – â€Å"(your topic name)† for the survey. I went to the department library and central library for collecting articles from journals on my assigned topic. I also consulted electronic resources for collecting articles such as emerald, JCCC@UGC Infonet, Open-Jgate, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), etc. After the verification of the entries of the articles by the supervisor my last was the preparation of the report. 2 1. 6 ARRANGEMENT OF ENTRIES. All the entries of the literature survey are arranged alphabetically by surname of the author according to Modern Language Association of America (MLA) handbook for writers of research papers, 7th edition. The prescribed style is used through out the literature survey report including within the text. All the bibliographical entities including review with abstract and without abstract are presented in the report. Chapter 2 entitled â€Å"———————————— (title of the Chapter-2)† gives the brief insights of the study. 3 Chapter – 2 ————————————————————-. 2. 1 INRODUCTION 4 Chapter – 3 BIBLIOGRAPHY WITH ABSTRACT 1. Aitta, M. R. , Kaleva, S. and Kortelainen, T. â€Å"Heuristic evaluation applied to library web services. † New Library World 109. 1/2 (2008): 25-45. Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to present usability heuristics for the evaluation of public library web services. The applied heuristics are divided into three categories: heuristics critical from the usability viewpoint; heuristics concerning major problems; and heuristics connected to minor usability problems but still important and concerning conventions of web design. The use of the heuristics and the results they give are evaluated to provide a basis for their use in future. 2. Allard, A. â€Å"Library managers and information in world 2. 0. † Library Management 30. 1-2 (2009): 57-68. Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to provide library managers with the ability to recognize and address World 2. 0 information issues to enhance their ability to develop management plans for the future. This paper explores what World 2. 0 means to library managers in three ways. Three information dimensions are identified using models to examine World 2. 0 in a historical context. An analysis is conducted of the different generations of users in World 2. 0 including their diverse attitudes, beliefs, experiences and skills and how these influence their engagement with the information environment. Four key characteristics of Web 2. 0 are identified through an analysis of Web 2. 0 in relation to World 2. 0. Key findings in this paper are that: three dimensions of information in World 2. 0 exist and can be used by library managers to help them understand the challenges and to facilitate the construction of strategic management plans that address them. Generational and organizational perspectives of World 2. 0 can influence how libraries engage Web 2. 0, and should be considered when library managers make – 9 Appendix – I AUTHOR INDEX Sr. Name of the Author Page No. No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Aitta, M. R. 9 Allard, A. 9 Brinkely, M. 10 Byerley, L. S. 10 Chan, B. 11 Cohen, B. L. 11 Cordeiro, M. 11 Crook, E. 12 Curran, K. 12 Dejager, K. 13 Devine, S. 13 Grace Xn, F. 13 Fichter, D. 14 Gosling, M. 14 Harrington, L. D. 14 Henzel, J. 15 Jin, Y. 15 Joint, N. 16 Kapoor, K. 16 Kaur, K. 16 33 Appendix – II TITLE INDEX Sr. No. Title of the Article Page No. 01 24 hours reference services. 11 02 A Library circulation system for city and special libraries. 25 03 A service quality framework for web-based information systems. A strategic planning approach to web site management. 25 A survey of the application of Web 2. 0 in Australian university libraries. A university library laptop lending service: an analysis using two student surveys. A university-wide, library based chat service . 18 08 A web-based, full-text news clipping service from the national informatics centre library in India. 18 09 Accessibility and usability of online library databases. 24 10 Accessibility of web-based databases for non visual users. 10 11 Adding delicious data to your library websites. 29 12 Application of WINISIS/GENISIS software in newspaper. 32 13 Beyond the library’s walls: using Library 2. 0 tools to reach out to all users. Bib web: an Internet training course for public libraries. 23 BMA library online: library development of web-based services & resources. Building participative library services: the impact of social software use in public libraries. Creating fee-based online services: a new role for academic librarians. Development of a library 2. 0 service model for an African Library. 21 04 05 06 07 14 15 16 17 18 38 29 30 29 30 22 26 21.

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