Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Analyzing The Ways Are You re Good At Math - 1602 Words

1. In what ways are you â€Å"smart† at math? Highlight all of the things you’re good at. (Everyone is good at some of these things and no one is good at all of them!) †¢ making observations †¢ making predictions †¢ finding patterns †¢ drawing diagrams †¢ remembering vocabulary †¢ estimating †¢ organizing information into tables or charts †¢ using symbols †¢ visualizing †¢ making conjectures †¢ tinkering with problems †¢ using math language †¢ thinking abstractly †¢ explaining my thinking out loud †¢ explaining my thinking on paper †¢ remembering mathematical procedures †¢ following directions †¢ finding my mistakes †¢ revising my thinking †¢ finding similarities and differences between things †¢ doing mental math †¢ making guesses †¢ coming up with†¦show more content†¦efully to others †¢ valuing others’ ideas †¢ being curious about others’ ideas †¢ making connections between different ideas †¢ being respectful and supportive of others †¢ pointing out connections between something we’re currently working on and something we have already explored †¢ staying focused †¢ identifying what I do understand and what I don’t yet understand †¢ thinking from the perspective of a skeptic †¢ coming up with new ideas based on things that others have said or done †¢ extending others’ ideas in new directions †¢ analyzing others’ ideas critically, but respectfully †¢ raising questions mathematical questions that push on our current understanding †¢ using a tentative stance (rather than a â€Å"know-it-all† stance) †¢ figuring out what others are saying (or what they are trying to say) †¢ asking questions †¢ building on others’ ideas †¢ being positive and a â€Å"cheerleader† for my group †¢ getting each member of my group to share his/her ideas †¢ recording my group’s ideas and decisions †¢ verbally summarizing my group’s ideas and decisions †¢ sharing my ideas, even if I am not sure that my ideas are completely correct †¢ making sure I understand before moving on to the next problem †¢ making sure that everyone in my group understands before moving on to the next problem †¢ making sure that quieter members of my group get to share their ideas †¢ helping my group work together on the problem Of the things you highlighted above, what are two things that you are especiallyShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement : My Career Exploration1452 Words   |  6 Pagesbecause I’ve always loved cars and how they worked. 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