Thursday, December 26, 2019

Historical Analysis of The Industrial Revolution - 1006 Words

The Industrial Revolution was one of the most impactful eras in the history of the world. It changed the way we worked, lived, owned, and generally thought. With advent of economic philosophies like capitalism and communism, the way we worked and lived was written down and itemized, and western civilization was never the same. The concepts of jobs, urbanization, and credit might have allowed the world to progress into a veritable economical ecosystem, defining our modern definition of living, but they also came with an array of downsides and consequences that, in retrospect, painted the time period in which they arrived in an overall negative light. It is with these downsides considered that we must ask ourselves: overall, was The†¦show more content†¦And with overcrowding comes crime. Thus, Jack the Ripper’s crimes seem to be directly related to the conditions that the citizenry were subject to during the industrial revolution’s urbanization movement. That con sidered it did have some positive effects. For example, the high concentration of working individuals near factories did numbers for the already booming British economy. While capitalism’s overall effect on society is debatable, the economic philosophy detailed in Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations was expanded due to the equally expanded workforce that was brought about by urbanization. And as previously mentioned, Britains expanded economy allowed it a head start in the world economy. Finally, the topic of the steam engine. Seen by many historians as the kick-off point for the Industrial Revolution, the modern steam engine was invented by Thomas Newcomen in 1712. While this was revolutionary, it wasn’t efficient enough for industrial use. It wasn’t until James Watt improved upon Newcomen’s design in 1781 that the power of this engine was felt. Since then, it’s been a viable, efficient source of energy. When discussing the impact of an invention such as the steam engine, it’s not hard to use those comparisons when talking about the Industrial Revolution as a whole. As such, this ends up being one of the most important topics to discuss. The progress brought on by the steam engine wasShow MoreRelatedThe Inventions During the Industrial Revolution879 Words   |  4 Pagesso my Historical Analysis will be based off of the Science and Technology of the Industrial Revolution. My historical analysis will be about the inventions during the Industrial Revolution. The three I will be focusing on: The Water Frame, The Improved Steam Engine and the Sewing Machine. All three of those inventions all offer some sort of Problem, Progress and Promise to the Industrial Revolution. I will be analyzing those three things. 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