Friday, January 3, 2020

The Election A Good Day For The Nation s Oldest Third...

The interesting event known as the 2016 election has offered a good day for the nation’s oldest third party. The Prohibition Party has had its biggest national election results since 1988. The Prohibition Party has received over 5,500 votes from the current ballot results, and will likely have a higher total once write-in ballots from other states are reported. The results are already more than 10 times the party’s national vote in 2012. It is a sign of the hard work the Prohibition Party’s members and their advocacy, and is something to offer hope to those who advocate for temperance and for government in service of family and community. To give some background. The Prohibition Party is the oldest existing third party in the United†¦show more content†¦The Party selected James Hedges as its presidential nominee and William Bayes as its vice-presidential nominee. James â€Å"Jim† Hedges is a 78-year-old renaissance man, living in Pennsylvania, with a long history of party involvement. He was born in Iowa, and has a bachelor’s degree in music, as well as a masters in geology. He had spent 20 years in the U.S Marines, in the U.S. Marine Band. He spent 11 years as editor-in chief for the National Speleological Society Bulletin, is a community volunteer, a historian of Prohibition Party history and literature, and runs a print shop in a living history museum. He became interested in the Prohibition Party as a teenager, began his significant involvement with it in the 1980’s, and over time rose to become one of its leaders. He bears the distinction of the first Prohibition Party member to win elected office in the twenty first century. He was elected to two terms as the Assessor for Thomson Township, Pennsylvania. William â€Å"Bill† Bayes is a musician and businessman, living in Mississippi. He was born in Amsterdam New York. He grew up in a military family, and lived in many places before settling Mississippi. 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