Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of The Book The Secret Agent - 1923 Words

John Green once said, â€Å"human existence is temporary and all the knowledge of the universe we acquire will in time be forgotten because there will be no humans left to benefit from any of the stuff we learned. And yet, this doesn t invalidate scientific exploration to me. We seek to understand the universe because it makes our lives better and more rich.† Human existence is all relative to time, all very temporary. Yet, the temporality of mortality is ultimately left up to the individual who chooses how to spend each and every second that passes. One who chooses to only focus on the temporality of it all, will only be waiting for death. Yet, those who choose to learn and change will be the ones who live a better and richer life. In T.S. Eliot’s â€Å"Little Gilling† the poem is about existence and faults behind the lessons of humanity. In Joseph Conrad’s â€Å"The Secret Agent† is about how time acts as an external pressure that forces the chara cters to choose what is worth living for and what is worth dying for. Virginia Woolf’s â€Å"Mrs. Dalloway† is about two separate, but parallel identities that are impervious to change, leading to their ultimate downfall. There are similarities and differences in each of the three writings regarding time and death. Either killing someone or dying is a result of each individual character taking control over their life. Time is interrelated to death for the reason that none of these character’s have control over time and the power to change the past.Show MoreRelatedThe National Security Act Of 19471677 Words   |  7 Pagesassassinations conducted by or on behalf of foreign governments or elements thereof, foreign organizations or foreign persons, or international terrorist activities.† It consists of five activities and functions: operations, investigations, collection, analysis and production, and functional services. In this aspect, CI is unique in that it is both an activity and its product. U.S. intelligence agencies, including the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) collect and analyzeRead MoreLaw Enforcement And The Protection Of Americans Globally From Illegal1226 Words   |  5 Pagesfigure where his secrets began to publicly surface (Gentry, C. (1991) J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets. New York, NY: Norton Co). 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