Thursday, May 14, 2020

Analyzing an Advertisement for a Book of the Christian Faith

Analyzing an Advertisement for a Book of the Christian Faith In our society today large numbers of people practice some sort of religion. Realizing how many people inhabit the world today its not hard to believe that there are literally thousands of religions out there. Making a choice as to what religion you fit into can be a daunting task. Even if you already practice a set religion sometimes its hard to know if you are putting your faith in the right hands so to speak. People get into a religion and they think that their beliefs are right and everyone elses are wrong or twisted. Also people want the religion they are practicing to be the preferred religion of the country or of the world. So from the beginning of history people have†¦show more content†¦This sets the scene, letting you know that you are probably looking at an American city. All around this building are other buildings almost as tall as the center one if it werent for the tower sitting on top of it. The other buildings all seem to be apartment buildings squeezed quit e close together, giving the impression that this is a rather large city. You can see the top of a street light from the point where it starts to bend in the lower right corner. All around this picture there are people floating in the air around the city block. Most of them are floating in the sky above the buildings but some are at the level of the building roofs and even lower. There are some people all the way down at the bottom of the picture around the height of the streetlight. A few of the people in the picture are looking toward the sky as if to ask a question but most of them are going about their daily business. There is a wide variety of people depicted in the picture. Most of the people are businessmen and women that are dressed in suits, some are holding umbrellas and some are not, others are talking on a cell phone or reading a paper. Dispersed among these businessmen there are some construction personnel wearing hardhats, a teenager on a skateboard, a few students holding books or a backpack, a few characters that could be described as punks, and a women holding a baby. You could say that the author of this ad wanted to include people fromShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Culture Shapes And Controls Behavior Within The Organization1543 Words   |  7 Pagesrestaurant. Lots of socialization between employees and customers, quick fast paced service, and customers constantly coming and going, makes up a part of Chick-fil-A’s culture. Another artifact of Chick-fil-A would be the famous cows they use as advertisement to promote their products. Chick-fil-A uses cows who hold up signs that read, â€Å"eat mor chikin† and other various sayings as a way to promote their restaurants. 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