Thursday, December 26, 2019

Historical Analysis of The Industrial Revolution - 1006 Words

The Industrial Revolution was one of the most impactful eras in the history of the world. It changed the way we worked, lived, owned, and generally thought. With advent of economic philosophies like capitalism and communism, the way we worked and lived was written down and itemized, and western civilization was never the same. The concepts of jobs, urbanization, and credit might have allowed the world to progress into a veritable economical ecosystem, defining our modern definition of living, but they also came with an array of downsides and consequences that, in retrospect, painted the time period in which they arrived in an overall negative light. It is with these downsides considered that we must ask ourselves: overall, was The†¦show more content†¦And with overcrowding comes crime. Thus, Jack the Ripper’s crimes seem to be directly related to the conditions that the citizenry were subject to during the industrial revolution’s urbanization movement. That con sidered it did have some positive effects. For example, the high concentration of working individuals near factories did numbers for the already booming British economy. While capitalism’s overall effect on society is debatable, the economic philosophy detailed in Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations was expanded due to the equally expanded workforce that was brought about by urbanization. And as previously mentioned, Britains expanded economy allowed it a head start in the world economy. Finally, the topic of the steam engine. Seen by many historians as the kick-off point for the Industrial Revolution, the modern steam engine was invented by Thomas Newcomen in 1712. While this was revolutionary, it wasn’t efficient enough for industrial use. It wasn’t until James Watt improved upon Newcomen’s design in 1781 that the power of this engine was felt. Since then, it’s been a viable, efficient source of energy. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Analyzing The Ways Are You re Good At Math - 1602 Words

1. In what ways are you â€Å"smart† at math? Highlight all of the things you’re good at. (Everyone is good at some of these things and no one is good at all of them!) †¢ making observations †¢ making predictions †¢ finding patterns †¢ drawing diagrams †¢ remembering vocabulary †¢ estimating †¢ organizing information into tables or charts †¢ using symbols †¢ visualizing †¢ making conjectures †¢ tinkering with problems †¢ using math language †¢ thinking abstractly †¢ explaining my thinking out loud †¢ explaining my thinking on paper †¢ remembering mathematical procedures †¢ following directions †¢ finding my mistakes †¢ revising my thinking †¢ finding similarities and differences between things †¢ doing mental math †¢ making guesses †¢ coming up with†¦show more content†¦efully to others †¢ valuing others’ ideas †¢ being curious about others’ ideas †¢ making connections between different ideas †¢ being respectful and supportive of others †¢ pointing out connections between something we’re currently working on and something we have already explored †¢ staying focused †¢ identifying what I do understand and what I don’t yet understand †¢ thinking from the perspective of a skeptic †¢ coming up with new ideas based on things that others have said or done †¢ extending others’ ideas in new directions †¢ analyzing others’ ideas critically, but respectfully †¢ raising questions mathematical questions that push on our current understanding †¢ using a tentative stance (rather than a â€Å"know-it-all† stance) †¢ figuring out what others are saying (or what they are trying to say) †¢ asking questions †¢ building on others’ ideas †¢ being positive and a â€Å"cheerleader† for my group †¢ getting each member of my group to share his/her ideas †¢ recording my group’s ideas and decisions †¢ verbally summarizing my group’s ideas and decisions †¢ sharing my ideas, even if I am not sure that my ideas are completely correct †¢ making sure I understand before moving on to the next problem †¢ making sure that everyone in my group understands before moving on to the next problem †¢ making sure that quieter members of my group get to share their ideas †¢ helping my group work together on the problem Of the things you highlighted above, what are two things that you are especiallyShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement : My Career Exploration1452 Words   |  6 Pagesbecause I’ve always loved cars and how they worked. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Ethics for Managers Forward Indirect Path

Question: Discuss about the Ethics for Managers for Forward Indirect Path. Answer: Introduction Ethics is a branch of philosophy that is based on concepts of right and wrong conduct and in business, the right and wrong behavior for achieving business goals is the ethics of codes in an organization. In this business report, the organization that is taken into consideration is Walmart. Walmart Stores, Inc., is one of the leading retail stores across the globe; however, this organization also suffers from some ethical criticism. This report highlights the most significant ethical issues the organization is facing and to discuss the Walmarts corporate social responsibility using CSR model and help in identifying their key stakeholder and ethics in communications and practice. Discussion Walmart contribution to sustainability Sustainability towards society Sterman (2015) depicts that every organization aims for making their business sustainable so that they can serve their business to their valuable customers for better productivity and profitability. This sustainability can be achieved through adopting effectivebusinessstrategies and activities for enhancing the human and natural resources of the organization. According to the case study, it has been found that even though the concerned organization has billions of dollars in the charity and for human development in the society, they are suffering from plenty of criticism that they do not behave well with their employees and other stakeholders. Implementing Sustainability Index Moreover, Benn et al. (2014) illustrates that Walmart uses Sustainability Index to increase the sustainability of its products and desires to make a better supply chain management system. Mainali and Silveira (2015) also portrays that this initiation helps the organization to increase the sustainability that can be highlighted through their achievements. Their achievements are 70 percent of merchandise sold in U.S. stores and global suppliers use the Sustainability Index to assess and share information about their product and business approach (Searcy and Elkhawas 2012). Moreover, Pinar et al. (2014) illustrates that it can also be found that this organization donates $2 million to fund the sustainability consortium. Sustainability towards environment Tachizawa and Yew Wong (2014) also affirms that Walmart took effective procedure for establishing the sustainability can also be demonstrated through their practice of using creating zero waste, renewable energy, reusing of goods and sell eco-friendly products and the use of reducing fossil fuel. They believe in collaborative work with government, NGOs, and academia so that every sector of the society can get aware of their products. They also created Sustainable Value Networks (SVN) for integrating and evaluating efforts in renewable energy. In the context of reducing the amount of using plastic, by applying three R of sustainability- reduce, reuse and recycle (Vijayan et al. 2014) Walmart now uses one-time-use shopping bags. Thus they can reduce plastic bag waste by more than 42% by the end of 2015 compared to the 2007 baseline (Lamine 2015). This recycling of products can be seen through their Smartphone and Tablet Trade-In Program, where they sell electronic recycling and trading newest smartphone that is less expensive. They have earned more than $50 to $300 over 100 smartphones (Tachizawa and Yew Wong 2014). The recycling procedure results in the packaging optimization from both an economic and environmental perspective. Gadakari et al. (2014) further depicts that reduces GHG emissions across our supplier base and eliminated 7.92 MMT of GHG until 2013 and target to eliminate 18MMT of GHG emission by 2016 ( 2016). They also emphasize on pollution free environment and uses energy efficient products like they have installed 115 onsite rooftop solar panels in seven countries that are capable of production of 71 million annual kilowatt hours of electricity. In the USA also they have installed 26 fuel cells that produce 65 million kilowatt hours of annual electricity (Vijayan et al. 2014). They also take initiatives for power consumption by implement daylighting feature in most of their stores and by consuming centrally controlling system. Most significant ethical issues Walmart has faced Lack of benefits to employee Britt et al. (2016) defines that the Walmart being the leading retail organization yet have ethical issues involving employee stakeholders and from the case study, it has been found that they provide low wages and benefits to their employees. They also do not provide health insurance for more than 60 percent of its employees (From the case study). It is also found from the survey that workers, who work 30 hours a week, will not get the health insurance from the organization. Preference of part-time employer over full-time employees Wielers et al. (2013.) on the other hand, depicts that the concerned organization believes in hiring more part-time employer compared to the full-time employer. The primary reason for adopting this strategy is to get the best out of those candidates for more results that are productive. Shields et al. (2015) hence criticizes by stating that leading organization must have to emphasize more on employee retention by implementing employee motivation strategies like a reward system. Allegation of Bribery Jones (2013) defines that the success of an organization relies on how they extend their organization across the globe. Wallmart also desired to extend their store all over the world and in order to achieve the best location; they take help of unethical approach. From the case study, it has been found that for a suitable location for their Mexican arm, Walmex in Mexico, the concerned organization paid millions in bribes for accessing licensing and zoning permits for the targeted location (Barstow 2012). This bribery scandal gets worse by two primary considerations- top executives at Walmart and bribery among Walmart stores in foreign countries. This organization also has to pay the penalty due to the legislation of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), where to offer a bribe to a foreign official is a crime (Barstow 2012). Misconducts in organizational safety Sethi (2014) depicts that Walmart has caused much safety related trouble for their suppliers in the USA and other countries. This organization employs subcontractors for their product manufacturing procedure. Moreover, citing safety is one of the major concerns that have to be well-equipped with modern and secure technology so that none of their stakeholders will be affected by any adversity. However, valuing more to the cost-cutting technique, he does not focus on these safety technologies and as a result, in Tazreen Fashions Ltd. a Bangladeshi supplier of Walmarts apparel, due to fire 112 workers were killed (From the case study). After an investigation, it has been found that due to improper safety measures like blocked stairwells and a lack of firefighting equipment the fire cannot be stopped at that moment. Violations of labor laws Moreover, in the USA, workers at warehouses demonstrate that Walmart has harsh working conditions and violates labor laws. It is recommended for every organization to formulate their recruiting arrangements like producing application form for candidates, who want to work for the organization. The interview process and group discussion must have to be the next step in recruiting working personnel. However, Landry (2016) states that Walmart overlooked the organizational consideration by hiring their employee through third-party contractors and staffing agencies. Assessment of Walmarts corporate social responsibility using CSR model Moon (2014) depicts that there are three CSR models- CSR Pyramid, Intersecting Circles and Concentric Circles. All these models emphasize on four categories of corporate social responsibility- Philanthropic, ethical, legal and economic domains of responsibility. Barnett 2016) depicts that the concerned organization follows the CSR model of the concentric circle. Figure 1: CSR Model Adopted by Walmart (Source: Moon 2014) Walmart uses the CSR model of the concentric circle that signifies an inclusion system and is an integral part of the CSR. Economic domain of responsibility Lee et al. (2016) mentioned that the major objective of an employee is to enhance the nations economy by attaining more profit through the business system. Walmart by retailing their product in every field- grocery, daily use product, cleaning products, medicines, electronic gadgets and fashion apparel intends to contribute the economic betterment of the country where they have their stores. They provide employment to suitable candidates and by research it is found, that Walmart has 2.3 million associates, who are associated with more than 10,000 communities and operates from 28 countries around the world (From the case study). They also support the economy of the nation by getting associated with other associations like hospitals, food banks, schools and youth sports. Mashaw (2015) stated that this would not only provide promotion to the concerned organization but it will help the organization to strengthen local communities. Legal domain of responsibility According to the perspective of Gerde (2013), even though Walmart is facing adversity in following legal values for accomplishing the business, Walmart supports Fair Labor Standards Act 1938 for providing employment to every suitable candidate and not to discriminate against anyone of them based on their diverse cultural beliefs and background. Moreover, National Labor Relations Act 1935 is also followed by the concerned organization where the private sector employees are guaranteed basic rights to organize into trade unions and the customers can get every right to bargain if the current system of the organization allowed them to do so (Levi et al. 2015). Garrick (2014) Demonstrate that after the fire incident in Bangladesh, Walmart took initiatives for implement Occupational Safety and Health Act 1970 so that every employee at Walmart et the life insurance whether they are working for years and are newly joined workers. Furthermore, Resource Conservation and RecoveryAct(RCRA) is one of the environmental laws followed by Walmart where they focus more on the recycling of the used products and saves the forest resources also use eco-friendly products. Ethical domain of responsibility Walmart has considered some unethical approaches for the betterment of their organization. However, they admit all their unethical conduct of the business procedure and took initiatives for overcoming all these dilemmas. Spence (2014) demonstrates that their global ethics serves as a guide and resource for ethical decision-making and leads to ethics education and communication system in the society. They admitted their Environmental Crimes by violating the environmental law and paid more than $81 million as penalty (From the case study). In the year 2006, hey failed to train their employee for handling hazardous waste management and disposal practices at the store level and as a result, the solid waste products trashed into the bin and liquid water material are poured into the local sewer systems, which does not support the ethical consideration of their business report. Rashid et al. (2013) mentions that the company faced significant ethics and compliance challenges due to bribery case of Walmex in Mexico, they repair that reputation by avoiding discrimination, leadership misconduct, bribery, and safety for their business approach and behave ethically with everyone, who are related to their organization. Philanthropic domain of responsibility Saraf et al. (2012) demonstrates that every organization apart from their proceedings of activities, they are associated with an in-kind donation so that the economic standard of the community can be enhanced. Walmart in such circumstance, donate a huge portion of their annual revenue in the philanthropy work. They also initiate the regulation to provide paid 100 hours of philanthropic work training, sourcing, inclusion and diversity related programs for more than 19 000 associates so that they can choose their field of voluntary interest and contribute their effort in the advancement of the society (From the case study). Schramm-Klein et al. (2015) defines that Walmart donates money for the areas of hunger and nutrition, disaster relief, womens economic empowerment and disaster relief. They also donate $71millionin cashfor these activities for the year 2013 (from the case study). In the year 2011, the concerned organization had donated $100 million for womens economic empowerment an d provides job training to 60,000 women by partnering with partnering with 150 factories ( 2016). Kwak and Kwon (2016) also depicts that in order to improve the existing business machines they have invested $35 million in new processes and procedures. In context of the disaster management projects, Kumar (2013) states that Walmart had donate over $1.5 million for mitigating adversity of Hurricane Sandy, including money, food, and goods. Walmarts key stakeholders according to three key relationship attributes According to the provided case study, the key stakeholders of Walmart are including competitors, suppliers, and employees; however, there are two more stakeholders in the organizational term- Investors and customers. Competitors Foster and McLelland (2015) mentioned that when cost is considered in the business, Wamart has the advantage over the target. Amazon, ALDI, ASDA, Kmart, Shopko in the USA and Real Canadian Superstore in Canada and Comercial Mexicana andSoriana in Mexico are some of the competitors of Walmart. From the case study it has been found that Walmarts executives encourage their store managers to compare prices with competitors so that their price can be the lowest. Suppliers Mentioned by Dunne et al. (2013), suppliers are the last in Walmarts prioritization of stakeholders. These stakeholders have a potential impact on other competitors as they work with Walmart so that they can work collaboratively with the concerned organization so that more of their products sold at Walmart stores in a profitable way and at higher prices. Some of their suppliers are- The Clorox Company, ConAgra Foods Inc, Dean Foods Company, Flowers Foods, Inc., Green Dot Corporation and others. Figure 2: Statistics of Walmart's team supplied by their supplier (Figure: 2016) Employees The third priority that Walmart considers among their stakeholders is their employees. They provide their employees, companys managerial decision-making while fulfilling their concerns that is job security and higher wages (Korschun 2015). They also assess the performance of each employee and then offer new and challenging job roles and responsibility to their employees as a career development. This not only will motivate their employee to serve their best to the organization but it also represents that the ethical apprehension of the organization. Investors Torres et al. (2012) state that investors are mainly interested in profits and help Walmart to attain more profit so that their share of profit will increase that result in higher dividends or earnings per share. Fernandez-Feijoo et al. (2014) also affirms that investors are also responsible for minimizing the operational costs. Ditlev-Simonsen and Wenstp (2013) depicts that lower costs usually lead to higher profits that benefit the Walmart's investors. Customers Customers are the second priority of Walmart after their investors and Walmart always work on the approaches, application of which these customers can get quality products at an affordable cost. These customers purchase their products and help the organization to make more profit. As a result, Walmart has a total number of 260 million customers in over 28 countries where they make a purchase from more than 11,500 stores under 63 banners ( 2016). Their loyalty towards this organization can be seen through $482.1 billion annual revenue in the year 2016 ( 2016). Ethics in Communications and practice An organization has to maintain the rights to honest and fair communications. Gubrium et al. (2014) Illustrates that anything that conveys wrong organizational information in the society is considered as a breaching of ethics in communication. There are many sources where it has been stated that Walmart is the leading retail organization that not only values their customers, but they also value their employee beforehand. However, Cornelissen (2014) depicts that it can be seen from the case study that they provide lower wages to the employees and do not emphasizes on the employee retention and opt for a part-time employee that is not mentioned in the organizational policy. Their practice also reveals that they did not give importance to the health and safety of the employee and that can be seen their Bangladesh fire case and even they do not provide life insurance to the employee who works less than 30 hours a week. This is the policy that is also not been mentioned in the organizatio nal policy. These beaches in communication and the practices of Walmart result in the loss that they are trying to be overcome in the recent days. In order to compensate their loss in the society they already have invested $35 million in new processes and procedures and provide ethical training sessions for their employees (Long et al. 2015). Recommendations for the organization to be a more ethical company in the future As a part of the recommendation, the concerned organization is taking initiatives for improving their reputation for sustainability and corporate governance. They have appointed a special ethical team for ethical standards to monitor the compliance of supplier factories according to the Standards for Suppliers and their safety. They also have taken an effective step for improving the stakeholder relationships by prioritizes the stakeholder list like to value to the government for the nation and the suppliers so that they can support the organization with legal regulation and timely inventory respectively. Moreover, Walmart should also take pledges for introducing a green initiative for maintaining the sustainability of the globe and diminishing the cause of global warming and climate change and decreases its waste and carbon emissions. In addition to that, they should value their employee prior to anyone else and trust them to make the right decision as a result to which they can cre ative solutions to business problems as they are the one, who communicate with the customers directly and can able to determine their requirement better than the managing authorities. Furthermore, they should also improve their CSR rating by helping the needy group of the society and providing 100 hours paid training to their employees per year for opting a voluntary work of their choices so that they can promote Walmart in social welfare. Conclusion This business report is based on the ethical consideration of the Walmart for their organizational approaches for better productivity. However it is found that in certain case, they have selected unethical procedures that violate their policy. Among them the first is to provide less wages to the lower designated working personnel and do not provide them health insurance. The second is that in Mexico, they have bribed the local authorities for getting a suitable place for their retail organization where they can attain maximum profitability. Thirdly, they do not have any recruitment process of their own and they hire employee through consultancy agents and third parties. However, they have to pay billions of penalties for their unethical approaches and they now took initiative for overcoming and rectifying those activities. In this circumstance, they started treating their employee as an important asset and provide them health insurance. They started interviewing 1000 market personnel in various countries for direct selection of the employee and they also dedicated $35 million to new processes and procedures so that the entire business procedure can be started ethically. Thus, with the concept of employee retention, corporate social responsibility and green initiatives they can ensure their success in recent times and future. 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Monday, December 2, 2019

Nmap Essay Example

Nmap Paper Title:- Network Scanning using NMAP in Windows Exp. No:-1 Aim:- To study NMAP Software and demonstrate using various websites. Theory:- Nmap (â€Å"Network Mapper†) is an open source tool for network exploration and security auditing. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, although it works fine against single hosts. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) those hosts are offering, what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics. While Nmap is commonly used for security audits, many systems and network administrators find it useful for routine tasks such as network inventory, managing service upgrade schedules, and monitoring host or service uptime. The output from Nmap is a list of scanned targets, with supplemental information on each depending on the options used. Key among that information is the â€Å"interesting ports table†. That table lists the port number and protocol, service name, and state. The state is either open, filtered, closed, or unfiltered. Open means that an application on the target machine is listening for connections/packets on that port. Filtered means that a firewall, filter, or other network obstacle is blocking the port so that Nmap cannot tell whether it is open or closed. Closed ports have no application listening on them, though they could open up at any time. Ports are classified as unfiltered when they are responsive to Nmaps probes, but Nmap cannot determine whether they are open or closed. Nmap reports the state combinations open|filtered and closed|filtered when it cannot determine which of the two states describe a port. We will write a custom essay sample on Nmap specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Nmap specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Nmap specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The port table may also include software version details when version detection has been requested. When an IP protocol scan is requested (-sO), Nmap provides information on supported IP protocols rather than listening ports. The topology view uses many symbols and color conventions. This section explains what they mean. | | | | | | Each regular host in the network is represented by a little circle. The color and size of the circle is determined by the number of open ports on the host. The more open ports, the larger the circle. A white circle represents an intermediate host in a network path that was not port scanned. If a host has fewer than three open ports, it will be green; between three and six open ports, yellow; more than six open ports, red. | | | | | If a host is a router, switch, or wireless access point, it is drawn with a square rather than a circle. | | Network distance is shown as concentric gray rings. Each additional ring signifies one more network hop from the center host. | | Connections between hosts are shown with colored lines. Primary traceroute connections are shown with blue lines. Alternate paths (paths between two hosts where a different path already exists) are drawn in orange. Which path is primary and which paths are alternates is arbitrary and controlled by the order in which paths were recorded. The thickness of a line is proportional to its round-trip time; hosts with a higher RTT have a thicker line. Hosts with no traceroute information are clustered around localhost, connected with a dashed black line. | | If there is no RTT for a hop (a missing traceroute entry), the connection is shown with a blue dashed line and the unknown host that makes the connection is shown with a blue outline. | Some special-purpose hosts may carry one or more icons describing what type of host they are: | | A router. | A switch. | | A wireless access point. | | A firewall. | | A host with some ports filtered. | Procedure:1. Click on the nmap icon(eye-shaped) in order to start nmap. 2. After nmap opens,type the name of a website or any specific IP address in the ‘Target’ column. 3. Select the type of scan(intense,quick. etc) in the ‘Profile’. 4. nm ap displays all the relevant output details which includes a. nmap output b. ports/hosts c. topology d. host details e. scans. Example of NMAP software using wikipedia website Topology of Wikipedia website. Conclusion:- Hence we have studied NMAP Software with various websites.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How to Read a Difficult Book

How to Read a Difficult Book Even if you have lots of experience in reading books, you will still come across a novel thats difficult to get through. You may find yourself  reading slowly because of the subject matter, the language, word usage, or the convoluted plot and character elements. When you are just attempting to get through the book, it may not really matter to you why the book is difficult, you just want to get to the end, so you can move on to your next reading pick. But there are ways to make even the hardest book less of a trial to get through.   Tips to Get Through Hard to Read Books Find your perfect  reading spot - a place where you can be comfortable and read. Figure out what conditions you need to be able to concentrate, study, and read most effectively. It may be easier for you to read at a desk, at a table in a quiet library, outside or in one of those cushy chairs at Starbucks. Some readers cant concentrate when theres any noise around them, while others can read anywhere. Reproduce those ideal conditions - particularly when youre reading a difficult book.Keep a dictionary with you as you read. Look up any words you dont understand. Also, jot down literary references that are escaping you. Are comparisons being made that are escaping your understanding? Look those references up! You may want to avoid using your smartphone for this task to avoid tempting distractions.  Look at how the book is organized by reading through the table of contents and reading the introduction. This may help give you a sense of what material is coming as you read.  Try to avoid skimming as much as possible. If a book is dense or dry it can be tempting to try to get through it as quickly as possible, but skimming can cause you to miss key points that would add to your comprehension.   If you own the book you are reading, you may want to highlight passages that seem important. Otherwise, you can take careful notes, keeping track of quotes, characters, or passages that you might want to return to later. Some readers find that by using flags or page markers, they can more easily find those sections that are essential to an understanding of the book. Keeping notes is a way to help ensure that you really think about what youre reading.  Dont become bleary-eyed. In other words, if the book seems too overwhelming, stop reading for a bit. Take this time to organize your ideas about the book. Write down any questions you have. If the concepts are still too difficult to grasp try talking about it with a friend to flush out what you are thinking (and feeling) about the work.Dont stop reading for too long. It can be tempting to put off finishing the book when the book seems too difficult  but dont give in to that temptation. If you put off continuing your reading for too long you may forget what youve read. Key elements of the plot or characterization may get lost over time so its best to try to keep reading at your usual pace. Get help! If youre still having a difficult time with the book, a tutor might be able to answer your questions. If youre reading for a class, consider talking with your teacher about your confusion. Ask him/her specific questions about the book.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

When a Man loves a woman essays

When a Man loves a woman essays In the movie When a Man Loves a Woman it is about a woman who has a problem with drinking and gets put into rehab and when she gets out of rehab her and her husband start to have problems and separate, then they realize their problems and decide to give it another try. In the beginning of the film Michael does not know that there are problems in their marriage because Alice is impersonal and is not communicating her feelings with him, she counts on alcohol to take her problems away. Some of her problems are that Michael has decision control over the children, he undermines her authority and belittles her in front of them, and that her mother criticizes her all the time. When she tries to talk to him about how she feels when he goes away on trips he doesnt talk about it, he just says that when he comes back that they will take a trip to get away. When they go on the trip they start to metacommunicate. When she goes into the hospital she becomes more interpersonal by telling him about hiding the alcohol and hitting her daughter. After Alice gets out of rehab she sits down and tells Michael to ask her anything. He asks how it all got started, she tells him that no one really knows, that it could be that her father was an alcoholic or that maybe it was the fact that her mom made her feel like she was a nobody. Her self-concept about herself is that she is guilty, sad, depressed, frustrated, confused and that she would like to feel happy for once. The reflected appraisal comes from her mothers comments, her mother would blame Alices lapses on her father. The motive of Alices drinking is her mothers comments and her husbands stereotyping by taking her on trips. Towards the end of the movie when he comes homes and sees Gary there. He goes upstairs and she goes up after Gary leaves. They start talking and the talking turns into punctuation when she blames him for Gary leaving. Af ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Case Study 6 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Case Study 6 - Research Paper Example Dell was accessible and delegated authority believing in, â€Å"turning loose talented people who can be relied upon to do what they’re supposed to do.† Dell also spent 30% of his time at company operations and meeting with customers. The issues with Dell's performance are his lack of understanding the employee's initially and Dell's inability to communicate. The Five tasks of crafting and executing strategy by â€Å"Crafting and Executing Strategy† are discussed below: 1. â€Å"Developing a strategic vision of where the company needs to head and what its future product/customer/market/technology focus should be.† Dell took the right approach in desiring to sell directly to the customer, custom to the customers needs build-to-order computers. Dell also wanted to take the discount pricing approach for the company. 2. â€Å"Setting objectives and using them as yardsticks for measuring the company’s performance and progress .† During the early y ears the company did not seem to have many hard set objectives. Dell's objective was to adhere to the strategic vision while also improving quality control. Dell also began to partner with key suppliers and incorporating e-commerce technology and use of the internet. 3. â€Å"Crafting a strategy to achieve the objectives and move the company along the strategic course that management has charted. â€Å" Dell began to increase his workforce, and his marketing capabilities in order to sell directly to individuals desiring a 2nd and 3rd computer. By doing this Dell became a cost leader, due to direct sales. 4. â€Å"Implementing and executing the chosen strategy efficiently and effectively.† By allowing the company to be managed by a more experienced person in the early stages of the company Dell was able to implement and execute the discount strategy very well. 5. â€Å"Evaluating performance and initiating corrective adjustments in the company’s long-term direction, objectives, strategy, or execution in light of actual experience, changing conditions, new ideas, and new opportunities.† Dell was able to become one of the industry leaders in quality, price, and market share within a 20 year period. When Dell realized the margin was low on using retail stores to resell dell computers, the company made the correct adjustments and began to only sell, as was their strategy, directly. 2. What are the elements of Dell’s strategy? Which one of the five generic competitive strategies is Dell employing? How well do the different pieces of Dell’s strategy fit together? In what ways is Dell’s strategy evolving? Dell's strategy involved: â€Å"1. Selling direct to customers is the most efficient way to market the company’s products because it eliminates wholesale and retail dealers that impede Dell’s understanding of customer needs and expectations and that add unnecessary time and cost. 2. Allowing customers to purc hase custom-built products and custom-tailored services is the most effective way to meet customer needs. 3. A highly efficient supply chain and manufacturing organization, grounded in the use of standardized technologies and selling direct, paves the way for a low-cost structure where cost savings can be passed along to customers in the form of lower prices. 4. Dell can deliver added value to customers by (1) researching all the technological options, (2) trying to determine which ones are â€Å"

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Human Resources Information Technology Systems Research Proposal

Human Resources Information Technology Systems - Research Proposal Example 221) "The key to the integrity and ease of maintenance of your decision support applications is to have a repository of high-quality, stable data. The data warehouse is an ideal foundation for building these data marts. The data warehouse contains the basic ingredients that ensure the success of your strategic analytical environment'" (Inmon, Imhoff & Sousa,2001, p.190) "The data mart is customized or summarized data that is derived from a data warehouse and tailored to support the specific analytical requirements of a given business unit of business function'" (p. 195) These three references summarize the purpose of a business information system architecture that can provide analytic resources for key business decision making while facilitating data input required for daily business operational functions such as payroll, benefits, etc. The following proposal will align the development of new Human Resources Information Technology Systems with goals of reduced manhours, smoother data input, and greater data accessibility and accuracy. Presently, low level data input is being accomplished by high level employees thus wasting the time of those personnel; i.e. simple data input that the employee him/herself could input on a real time basis is now being input from paper records by HR personnel. This generates repetitive, time wasting tasks and introduces more chances for data errors and escapes. There are also disparate databases which make data mining and analysis more inefficient than it should be. On a functional level, this system of disparate, non-centralized databases requires employees to access multiple sites to gain the information required for a single task such as processing a new employee. All of these factors create indirect, and often unrecognized, costs to the business. Objectives: 1. Establish a single HR data warehouse that extracts and normalizes data from multiple input sources to provide user defined reports that expedite data mining and analysis of data pertinent to the specific function of that user. Specific business unit and/or departmental data marts can also be created from this data warehouse. 2. Synergize this data warehouse with an integrated On Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) system so that data is retained for analysis by business administrators while supplying operational business functions such as payroll and benefits with the basic data required to perform those functions. 3. Format collected data in a way that can be used by other key collateral business functions such as benefits and Human Resources. 4. Provide a facility for employees to not only input their own data (ex. Time expense, changes in personal data, etc.), but also be able to retrieve and review their own data in real time on the organization's intranet. 5. Integrate and streamline HR requirements for recruitment by creating a central depository of applicant information including copies of their resumes. 6. "Mistake Proof" data entry by establishing input metadata that requires the employee to input correctly formatted data (i.e. numbers for number fields, text for text fields, etc.) and complete information (compulsory fields that will not allow saving the information until they are completed). 7. Establish a scalable system that can

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Marketing theory and concepts Essay Example for Free

Marketing theory and concepts Essay Every business wither its small or big, aim to meet the needs of their actual and potential customers. In order for them to do this, they need to follow some sort of theory and concept. This assignment will be looking at the marketing theory and marketing concepts which are portrayed in the traditional marketing literature, and how they have limited application in guiding small business marketing practice. Marketing plays a vital role not only in developing, producing, and selling products or services, but also in guiding recruiting labors and raising capital. Although it can be said that successful entrepreneurs undertake marketing in unusual ways. They mainly rely on interactive marketing methods, which is often communicated through word-of-mouth rather than a more traditional marketing mix. Entrepreneurs monitor the marketplace through informal networks rather than formalised market research, and generally adopt more entrepreneurial approaches to marketing activities. However, depending on the business model, a complex and formalised initial market research can be crucial for a successful market entry. There are many marketing theories that are used in traditional marketing literature such as Schumpeter (1934) who said that entrepreneurs proactively created opportunity, using innovative combinations which often included creative destruction of passive or lethargic economic markets. According to Schumpeter the role of an entrepreneur is to innovate, and by doing this, you move the economy from one equilibrium to another. This kind of innovation could come about from one or more introduction of a new product; a new method of production; the development of a new market; the use of new sources of raw material, and the reorganisation of a new industry or its processes. He also distinguished between the entrepreneur and the capitalist. Schumpeter agreed with the fact, that in practice an innovator could also actually be a capitalist. Another well-known theorist next to Schumpeter is Kirzner (1973) who said that entrepreneurs should have a sense of alertness to identify the opportunities in the market and exploit them accordingly . He states The  pure entrepreneur, on the other hand, proceeds by his alertness to discover and exploit situations in which he is able to sell for high prices that which he can buy for low prices. Pure entrepreneur profit is the difference between the two sets of prices. The discovery of a profit opportunity means the discovery of something obtainable for nothing at all. No investment at all is required; the free ten-dollar bill is discovered to be already within one is grasps (Kirzner, 1973, 48). The marketing concept has changed significantly over time. In todays business world the customer is at the forefront, not all businesses in the past followed this concept, as they placed other factors first rather than their customers this is shown as follows:Production Oriented was the focus of the actual business and not the customer needs, as where this has now changed and we can see that it is more focused on customer needs. Production Orientation is when the company believe that they have a superior product, based on quality and features. Due to this thinking the company assume the customers will like it to. In todays market the customers decide as to what product they like. Sales Orientation is the focus where the company makes a product or provides a service, and then sells or offers it to the target market. This causes problems, as consumers may not like what is being offered to them, which is why companies are making sure that they test their services out, to a small group of the target audience. Market Orientation concept has not actually changed over time, it puts the customers first, as the companies try to understand the needs of the customers by using appropriate research methods. These methods are then developed to make sure information from customers, are fed back to the company for them to see what the target audience are interested in . SMEs who may adapt the marketing concept or 4Ps do so fully rather than explicitly (Carson and Gilmore, 2000). Jaworski and Kohli, (1990) also commented on the limitations of the marketing concept (p15). Therefore, the  SME approach is characterized by networking with stakeholders awareness to customer needs (Gilmore, Carson and Grant, 2001; Hill and Wright, 2001). Which is characterized by the size of these firms and their closeness to customers, (Gilmore, Carson, ODonnell and Cummins, 1999) as well as inexpensive forms of marketing such as word of mouth (Gilmore 1999). It is vital for SMEs to set the 4Ps, target a market and position themselves, but how this is done and planned is an important issue as it helps guiding a small business to success. Differences between traditional market literature and variants produced during the 1960s were mainly attributable to the addition of concepts popularized during that decade. For example, Cundiff and Still covered an analysis of the 4 Ps of marketing with the concept that marketing is a subsystem of business. (Cundiff, E.W., Still, R.R. 1976)The basic principles of marketing are generally applicable to large and small businesses. Marketing in SMEs has been recognized as a problematic area for researchers for over 20 years (Chaston and Mangles, 2002; Siu and Kirby, 1998). SME marketing in practice is considered to be mainly done though networking (Gilmore 2001) or a combination of transaction, relationship, interaction and network marketing (Brodie 1997). Recently the use of Internet marketing (Chaffey 2000) or e-commerce (Rayport and Jaworski, 2001) has become popular in all types of businesses including SMEs. Marketing in practice in small firms seem to rely mainly on personal contact networks (Hill and Wright, 2001; Gilmore 2001; Brodie 1997) and is often driven by the particular way a manager does business. According to Gilmore (2001) marketing in SMEs is likely to be chaotic, informal, loose, unstructured, spontaneous, and reactive and conform to industry norms. Gilmore (2001) showed that as a result of networking there was a high level of communication between the SME manager and their competitors then what is usually reported in the marketing literature as well as competing firms may be quite supportive of each other. Similarly, networking with customers usually involves building a relationship with one or two key individuals in those companies. If these individuals were to leave then the relationship the company would break (Gilmore 2001). SME owners must recognize that  building relationships are vital to a companys success and they invest a considerable amount of time and effort in maintaining good relations with regular clients (Gilmore 2001). The foundation and existence of an effective networking is concerned with maximizing marketing opportunities and ensuring the enterprises survival and development (Gilmore 2001). Something, which is more important, in todays world, is having a foot in the business market, which is constantly changing to meet customer needs. The tables have been turned on the fortunes of many long-established firms. Its believed that a majority of firms that are in trouble, and those that have failed recently, have done so because they have been let down by their own marketing. Traditional marketing is now being turned. The ideas of marketing and branding strategy that passed for conventional wisdom before do not hold true today. A small but growing number of innovative firms have adopted completely new and differentiate approaches in marketing, reflecting a clear and unmistakable change in the global culture. In this era of globalisation and the Internet the consumer is behaving in a radically different way and is no longer vulnerable to the overworked ploys of marketing. The present times call for a new competition one that strays from the prescriptions that traditional marketing theory holds, that sometimes works in a way that it is counter to it and that lays focus on network-building and pulling the customer above all else. Many experienced hands in corporate boardrooms are oblivious to these shifting sands and evolving trends, and are paying the price as a result. In general the basic principles and concepts of marketing are as relevant to SMEs as it is to larger firms, but some theories, tools and techniques of marketing are not as relevant or useful to SMEs. The nature of SME marketing is the concept, which is mainly dominated by the inherent characteristics of the entrepreneur and the SME itself. Although not all small business may take the marketing theories and concepts in to consideration, while carrying out some sort of market research they will have come a across them. They may have limited application in todays marketing world but they do provide the basis for which a business can start their research on which helps guiding them in to the marketing practice. Therefore marketing theories and Concepts  portrayed in the traditional marketing literature has limited application in guiding small business marketing practice although they give the business a rough base to start their market practice. Competition and Entrepreneurship, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and LondonCarson, D. and A. Gilmore, (2000), Marketing at the Interface: Not What But How', Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Vol. 8Kohli, A. K. and B. J. Jaworski, (1990), The Construct, Research Propositions, and Managerial Implications, Journal of Marketing,(Gilmore, Carson and Grant, 2001; Hill and Wright, 2001). Gilmore, A., D. Carson and K. Grant (2001), SME Marketing in Practice, MarketingIntelligence and Planning, Vol. 19(Gilmore, Carson, ODonnell and Cummins, 1999) Added value: A QualitativeAssessment of SME Marketing, Irish Marketing Review(Cundiff, E.W., Still, R.R. 1976), Fundamentals of Modern Marketing, 2nd ed.)Chaston, I and Mangles, T. (2002) Small Business Marketing Management.Siu, W. and Kirby, D.A. (1998) Approaches to small firm marketing: A Critique. European Journal of Marketing, vol. 32, no. Brodie, R.J., Coviello, N.E., Brookes, R.W. and Little, V. (1997) Towards a Paradigm Shiftin Marketing? An Examination of Current Marketing Practices. Journal of Marketing Management,Chaffey, D., Mayer, R., Johnston, K. and Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2000) Internet Marketing. Prentice Hall, Harlow, EnglandRayport, J. F. and Jaworski, B. J. (2001) e-Commerce. McGraw-Hill, Boston, USA. Hill, J. and Wright, L. T. (2001) A Qualitative Research Agenda for Small to Medium-sized Enterprises. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, of Entrepreneurship Research and Interdisciplinary Survey and Introduction By: Zoltan J Acs, David B

Friday, November 15, 2019

Comparing Women As Propriety In The Merchant Of Venice and The Taming O

Women As Propriety In Shakespeare's The Merchant Of Venice and The Taming Of the Shrew "We may say that the dominant ideas in most societies are the ideas of the dominant sex, associated and mingled with those of dominant class." (Chedgzoy, pg.50) During the Elizabethan time men dominated society. Historically speaking males have always held more power then females in most cultures. Although a few cultures were Matriarchal societies. Yet even in these cultures women were not the superior power but were valued as equal to men. Most of the matriarchal societies viewed women as the embodiment of the goddess. Women have never been the sole dominant sex in a society. The fall of the Matriarchal societies occurred mostly from the organization of Christianity. The Christian ideals taught that women were not intended to have influential roles in society. In the Elizabethan era women were in a weak social position. In addition when Shakespeare writes about women he encompasses the complex issues that socially surround females. Shakespeare allows the audience to observe issues that effect their own factual society acted out on stage. At this time the society was definitely patriarchal, where women were viewed as inferior. In addition women had little to no power over there own lives. Fathers viewed their daughters as their propriety. Which left daughters in a powerless position. The power that women did have was their personal sexuality, virginity was prized and seen as a jewel. Once daughters were married their husbands also valued them as propriety. "Marriages were still arranged, as they had been in the Middle Ages, to further the interests of land-owning families. On marriage all the girl's legal rights ceas... ...ters he created in his plays. He also developed female characters who were obviously intelligent, dynamic, and strong willed. Thus creating dramatic plots that rise to the surface societal stereotypes and norms. As in modern society theatre and the media allow for people to express issues of concern in a none threatening manner. Shakespeare's dynamic plays have influenced literature globally for hundreds of years. WORK CITED: Kaston,David Scott. A Companion To Shakespeare, Blackwell Publishers Massachusetts. 1999. Chedgzoy,Kate. Shakespeare, Feminism and Gender, New York, Palgrave 2001 Dusinberre,Juliet. Shakespeare and The Nature Of Women, New York, Barnes and Noble Books. 1975. Pit, Angela Women in The Comedies and Last Plays, New York, Barnes and Noble Books 1981. Bamber, Linda Comic Women, Tragic Men, California, Stanford University Press 1982.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Life and Debt in the University Essay

Incurring debts while studying is never a pleasant experience. However, today’s increasing tuition and school fees, coupled with rising costs of living, have made indebtedness inevitable for many students. Although there are students who get heavily indebted from living frivolous lifestyles, most of the students I know usually had valid reasons of being compelled to avail of loans such as sickness and financial difficulties in their families. Pursuing higher education also meant independence for most students, and while some continued receiving financial support from their families, there are also those who chose to be completely on their own. Having to live independently and support myself, I usually had to take out a tuition loan during enrollment since I could not afford to pay school fees outright. Unfortunately, a debt is not something you enjoy having—or worse, accumulating—and it can have a tremendous effect on one’s well-being. Unless a student wants to spend his or her university life worrying about increasing debts, he or she must learn to manage his or her finances early on.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Indeed, it seems that debts have become a normal part of being a student. Whether a student likes it or not, soaring school fees and skyrocketing costs of living have made debts an inevitable reality. I think most of us have even become comfortable with the thought that we can take out loans from numerous sources like the university loan board, the bank, or even from personal contacts when it becomes necessary, such as when poor students like us run out of money for the rent and other personal needs. Getting into debt under such situations is understandable, but I do know some students who get cash-strapped from living beyond their means and are unnecessarily pushed into debt by their foolishness. Thus, a student should think first about the ways in which he or she will pay for her future debts before he or she starts having grand spending plans for that newly-acquired student credit card.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the other hand, students should know that getting into debt is the easy part. Getting out of it would be the difficult part and would certainly add to the stress of one’s university life. It is not as if the experience of a student who is neck-deep in debt would be different from the experience of other people in similar situations. Financial worries, in my opinion, may seem to be easy to solve but they can significantly distract a student from his or her academic responsibilities. I remember, for instance, being burdened by thinking so much about how I was going to pay off the tuition loan last semester that I often forgot my goal of getting good grades. Consequently, worrying about debts can also affect the psychosocial well-being of a student, sometimes even leading to major issues such as depression. Debts can compound other problems that a student may be experiencing, such as alienation from more well-off classmates and friends. There were times that I felt so bitter with my financial situation that I thought of dropping out from my studies and taking up a full-time job instead. Fortunately I had the support of encouraging friends who were either in similar situations or had gone through the same things before and we collectively held on to the belief and determination that we will somehow get over our problems. Thus, it was from these often painful and bitter experiences that I learned the plain and simple truth about debts and in the process of trying to maintain my sanity developed several coping mechanisms to manage debts. For instance, some of us tend to overlook the fact that debts do come with an additional interest on top of the principal and wait until the dreaded collection letter or notice comes instead of trying to settle debt obligations as early as possible. Paying off debts even in small increments saves us a lot of money in the long run since we avoid incurring more penalties. In the same manner, a student should avoid getting into more debts by spending according to a planned budget and within his or her allowance or income limit. A part-time employment can also be helpful in these times as a source of extra income for paying off one’s debts. In the end, there are times when getting into debt is inevitable, especially for students, but it can be an important learning experience in managing one’s finances.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Library and Literature Survey Essay

I here by declare that the Literature Survey entitled â€Å" – – — – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – † is based on the original research work carried out by me for partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Paper No. B-106: Current Problems in Library and Information Science, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi, Delhi. (Designation), Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi, Delhi for his meticulous and expert guidance, constructive criticism, patient hearing and benevolent behavior through out my ordeal of the present research. I shall remain grateful to him for his cordial, cooperative attitude, wise and knowledgeable counsel that acted as an impetus in the successful completion of my project work. I would like to particularly thank the Head of the Department ________________ (Name of the HOD) for giving me guidance and inspiration during my study in the department. I never forget the kind help extended by the HOD. It however, not possible for me to forget the kind of help provided by the faculty members, Professor (Mrs. ) S. P. Singh, Dr. Shailendra Kumar, Dr. (Mrs. ) P. K. Walia, Dr. K. P. Singh, Dr. (Mrs.) Meera, and Mr. Manish Kumar. I also convey my thanks to Department Library Staff for extending their support in my study in the department. At last but not least my friends in the department who deserves some words of thanks. ABSEES – American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies ACE – Academic Computing Environment AgNIC – Agriculture Network Information Center CD-ROM – Compact Disc Read Only Memory DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals DL – Digital Library FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions ICT – Information and Communication Technology ILL – Inter Library Loan LBS -Liverpool Business School LIS Library and Information Science. LISA – Library and Information Science Abstracts OPAC – Online Public Access Catalogue MLA – Modern Language Association of America SOA – Service Oriented Architecture UAEU – United Arab Emirates University USA – United States of America USC – University of Southern California Web OPAC – Web –based Online Public Access Catalogue WLD – World Digital Library iv CONTENTS Page No. Declaration i Certificate ii Acknowledgements iii List of Abbreviations Used iv Contents v Preface Complete List of Journals Core List of Journals. State of the art Report Chapter-1: Introduction 1 -3 1. 1 Introduction 01 1. 2 Purpose of the Literature Survey 1. 3 Objectives of the Literature Survey 1. 4 Scope of the Study 1. 5 Methodology 1. 6 Arrangement of Entries Chapter-2: Theoretical-base containing Introduction, historical development, definitions and sub-headings related to topic Chapter – 3: Bibliography with Abstract Appendix –I: Author Index Appendix –II: Title Index v PREFACE _____________________________________________________________ Add introduction with relevance, need and importance of the topic. This Literature Survey report on â€Å"__________________________ (Title)† has carried out to fulfill the requirements of the Paper- B-106: Current Problems in Library and Information Science for the academic session (20 – – – 20 – -). The presentation of review of literature on ———————————— (Title) and related studies is grouped under Three (3) chapters: Chapter – 1: Introduction Add introduction Chapter – 2: Theoretical-base containing Introduction, historical development, definitions and sub-headings related to topic Add introduction and description of the topic in separate headings. Chapter – 3: Bibliography with Abstract gives complete citation information about the various literatures used in the study with proper abstract according to Modern Language Association of America (MLA) Handbook for writers of research papers, 7th edition. Appendix- I: Author Index with Abstract. This chapter deals with the names of the authors related to references provided in the Chapter-3 of the report i. e. Bibliography with Abstract. All authors in the part are arranged in alphabetically. Appendix- II: Title Index gives at a glance overview of the titles of the articles used in the study and arranged in alphabetical order. vi COMPLETE LIST OF JOURNALS Sr. No. Name of the Journal Page No. 01 Aslib Proceedings 27,31 02 Collection Building 13 03 Community and Junior College Libraries 26 04 DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology 32 05 Internet Research 06 Journal of Education and Information Science 31 07 Journal of Library Administration 23 08 Journal of Medical Library Information 21 09 Library Hi Tech News 29,30 10,12,18,21,22, 23,24,26,31,32 10 Library Journal 11 Library Management 12 Library Review 13 New Library World 14 OCLC Systems and Services 27,30 15 Online Information Review 15,26,30,31,32. 16 Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems Reference Services Review 16,17,18,31,32 17 32 9,16,17,19,25,29 16,31 9,20,31 11,14,15,23,29, 30,32 18 The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finance 19 The Electronic Library 32 12,13,14,20,24,25 28,30. 31. 32 20 The TQM Magazine 21 Vine 22 25 Webology 10,11,21,29. 31 22 vii CORE LIST OF JOURNALS Sr. No. Name of the Core Journal Page No. 01 Annals of Library and Information Studies 30 02 Information Age 29 03 Information Development 13 04 Information Outlook 14 05 Information Studies 17,32 06 Information Technology and Libraries. 29,30 07 Journal of Documentation 22,30 08 Library and Information Update viii 11 Chapter –1 INTRODUCTION 1. 1 INTRODUCTION The survey is a recognized and accepted part of the modern society. It is one of the means by which society keeps it informed, away of bringing under central situations of increasing size and complexity of obtaining perceptive and standard of comparison. A survey gives an oversight of a field and is thus distinguishing from a sort of study which consists of a microscopic examination of a turf; it is a map rather than a detailed plan. The survey must be planned before a start is made. 1. 2 PURPOSE OF THE LITERATURE SURVEY The literature review plays a very important role in the research process. It is a source from where research ideas are drawn and developed into concepts and finally theories. It also provides the researcher a bird’s eye view about the research done in that area so far. Depending on what is observed in the literature review, a researcher will understand where his/her research stands. Here in this literature survey, all primary, secondary and tertiary sources of information were searched. The study of literature on ——————————————- (your topic name) in general and in the field of library and information science particular revealed several efforts made by the scholars in different discipline. The purpose of the literature survey is to collect a lot of number of journal’s article about a particular topic like as I have collected — (number) articles of â€Å"————————————(your topic name)† with abstract. The main aim of this collection is to provide a guideline and brief information of researcher, user and other person who want information about this topic. 1 1. 3 OBJECTIVES OF THE LITERATURE SURVEY The main objective of the Literature survey is to: (i) know who writes, what and where about (your topic name); (ii) identify the tools and sources of (your topic name), and (iii) prepare the relevant bibliographic entries with abstract of the related topic. 1. 4 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The literature survey is conducted for the period 20– – 20– . It includes the articles of journals, which are subscribed by the Central Library, University of Delhi, Delhi. A search has been conducted on the terms â€Å" —————————-(your topic related keywords†, â€Å" —————–†, in LISA, Emerald, LISTA, Science direct, EBSCO and other database to complete review of literature for the proposed study, including search on e-journals websites. In addition to above searches, bibliography of journal article are also reviewed for more sources as well as websites and consulted various eminent experts. 1. 5 METHODOLOGY For preparing of this literature survey I have taken a lot of steps for collecting the articles about the (your topic name). First Sir/madam, told us about the what is literature survey and what are the steps involved for preparing it. He had given me the topic – â€Å"(your topic name)† for the survey. I went to the department library and central library for collecting articles from journals on my assigned topic. I also consulted electronic resources for collecting articles such as emerald, JCCC@UGC Infonet, Open-Jgate, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), etc. After the verification of the entries of the articles by the supervisor my last was the preparation of the report. 2 1. 6 ARRANGEMENT OF ENTRIES. All the entries of the literature survey are arranged alphabetically by surname of the author according to Modern Language Association of America (MLA) handbook for writers of research papers, 7th edition. The prescribed style is used through out the literature survey report including within the text. All the bibliographical entities including review with abstract and without abstract are presented in the report. Chapter 2 entitled â€Å"———————————— (title of the Chapter-2)† gives the brief insights of the study. 3 Chapter – 2 ————————————————————-. 2. 1 INRODUCTION 4 Chapter – 3 BIBLIOGRAPHY WITH ABSTRACT 1. Aitta, M. R. , Kaleva, S. and Kortelainen, T. â€Å"Heuristic evaluation applied to library web services. † New Library World 109. 1/2 (2008): 25-45. Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to present usability heuristics for the evaluation of public library web services. The applied heuristics are divided into three categories: heuristics critical from the usability viewpoint; heuristics concerning major problems; and heuristics connected to minor usability problems but still important and concerning conventions of web design. The use of the heuristics and the results they give are evaluated to provide a basis for their use in future. 2. Allard, A. â€Å"Library managers and information in world 2. 0. † Library Management 30. 1-2 (2009): 57-68. Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to provide library managers with the ability to recognize and address World 2. 0 information issues to enhance their ability to develop management plans for the future. This paper explores what World 2. 0 means to library managers in three ways. Three information dimensions are identified using models to examine World 2. 0 in a historical context. An analysis is conducted of the different generations of users in World 2. 0 including their diverse attitudes, beliefs, experiences and skills and how these influence their engagement with the information environment. Four key characteristics of Web 2. 0 are identified through an analysis of Web 2. 0 in relation to World 2. 0. Key findings in this paper are that: three dimensions of information in World 2. 0 exist and can be used by library managers to help them understand the challenges and to facilitate the construction of strategic management plans that address them. Generational and organizational perspectives of World 2. 0 can influence how libraries engage Web 2. 0, and should be considered when library managers make – 9 Appendix – I AUTHOR INDEX Sr. Name of the Author Page No. No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Aitta, M. R. 9 Allard, A. 9 Brinkely, M. 10 Byerley, L. S. 10 Chan, B. 11 Cohen, B. L. 11 Cordeiro, M. 11 Crook, E. 12 Curran, K. 12 Dejager, K. 13 Devine, S. 13 Grace Xn, F. 13 Fichter, D. 14 Gosling, M. 14 Harrington, L. D. 14 Henzel, J. 15 Jin, Y. 15 Joint, N. 16 Kapoor, K. 16 Kaur, K. 16 33 Appendix – II TITLE INDEX Sr. No. Title of the Article Page No. 01 24 hours reference services. 11 02 A Library circulation system for city and special libraries. 25 03 A service quality framework for web-based information systems. A strategic planning approach to web site management. 25 A survey of the application of Web 2. 0 in Australian university libraries. A university library laptop lending service: an analysis using two student surveys. A university-wide, library based chat service . 18 08 A web-based, full-text news clipping service from the national informatics centre library in India. 18 09 Accessibility and usability of online library databases. 24 10 Accessibility of web-based databases for non visual users. 10 11 Adding delicious data to your library websites. 29 12 Application of WINISIS/GENISIS software in newspaper. 32 13 Beyond the library’s walls: using Library 2. 0 tools to reach out to all users. Bib web: an Internet training course for public libraries. 23 BMA library online: library development of web-based services & resources. Building participative library services: the impact of social software use in public libraries. Creating fee-based online services: a new role for academic librarians. Development of a library 2. 0 service model for an African Library. 21 04 05 06 07 14 15 16 17 18 38 29 30 29 30 22 26 21.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Hacker

† (CandyMan). Most of these crackers are merely â€Å"young teenage punks† who just wish to get a â€Å"kick† out of â€Å"destroying or alternating data† (CandyMan). Yet, a hacker is only â€Å"an individual who yearns for knowledge† (CandyMan), which fits Mentor’s statement that hackers â€Å"seek after knowledge.† So, why is it that we see headlines and news reports on cyber warfare and cyber terrorism in which the word most repeated is â€Å"hacker?† According to Joel Snyder, columnist for Internet World magazine, true hacking â€Å"used to exist† and what prevails now is â€Å"the new digital terrorism.† Therefore, what is there to say about hackers? Should we be blaming these acts of cyber terrorism on crackers instead? Or are they the same as hackers? The truth is that it doesn’t matter that much since the importance is to end these cyber crimes, but is this possible? Cyber terrorism began appearing since the dawn of the Internet. It has only been a couple of years since it has become a subculture, an actual problem. An article in the Washington Times spoke of the new warfare, not nuclear warfare, but cyber warfare. There is â€Å"evidence that Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, India, and Azerbaijan† (Maier) have tried to enter US computer systems in search of information useful for their countries. A... Free Essays on Hacker Free Essays on Hacker â€Å"I am a hacker, enter my world now† (Mentor). These are the words of The Mentor, one of the most famous anonymous hackers in history. He is known for forming several hacker groups and his famous â€Å"Hacker’s Manifesto.† In this infamous document he states the principles of the hacker, the way they think, and how they came to being. Which brings up the question, what do they think? What principles do they live by? Why are they who they are? It is hard to explain it, but for starters it would be recommended to differentiate a hacker from a cracker. A cracker is â€Å"one who attempts to break into a system via crack/guessing user passwords† (CandyMan). Most of these crackers are merely â€Å"young teenage punks† who just wish to get a â€Å"kick† out of â€Å"destroying or alternating data† (CandyMan). Yet, a hacker is only â€Å"an individual who yearns for knowledge† (CandyMan), which fits Mentor’s statement that h ackers â€Å"seek after knowledge.† So, why is it that we see headlines and news reports on cyber warfare and cyber terrorism in which the word most repeated is â€Å"hacker?† According to Joel Snyder, columnist for Internet World magazine, true hacking â€Å"used to exist† and what prevails now is â€Å"the new digital terrorism.† Therefore, what is there to say about hackers? Should we be blaming these acts of cyber terrorism on crackers instead? Or are they the same as hackers? The truth is that it doesn’t matter that much since the importance is to end these cyber crimes, but is this possible? Cyber terrorism began appearing since the dawn of the Internet. It has only been a couple of years since it has become a subculture, an actual problem. An article in the Washington Times spoke of the new warfare, not nuclear warfare, but cyber warfare. There is â€Å"evidence that Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, India, and Azerbaijan† (Maier) have tried to enter US computer systems in search of information useful for their countries. A...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

5 Sentences in Need of Commas

5 Sentences in Need of Commas 5 Sentences in Need of Commas 5 Sentences in Need of Commas By Mark Nichol Commas signal delineation in sentences, sometimes showing the break point between two thoughts and sometimes marking the beginning and end of a phrase inserted in the midst of a sentence. Here are five sentences in which a single comma, or the second of an inseparable pair, is missing, with revisions and explanations. 1. â€Å"Even when he was caught, some say he was plotting.† The phrase â€Å"some say† is an interjection in the midst of the statement â€Å"Even when he was caught, he was plotting.† It is not enough to merely insert the phrase; one must bracket it in commas (the first of which supersedes the original comma, the function of which is to separate the sentence’s two clauses): â€Å"Even when he was caught, some say, he was plotting.† 2. â€Å"Sorry guys, she’s married.† When directing a comment at readers, the writer must set off with commas the word or words used to identify the audience: â€Å"Sorry, guys, she’s married.† (Otherwise, the writer appears to be addressing guys who are sorry though they are sorry if they’re thinking they have a chance with the woman in question, so the erroneous version almost works.) The sentence is further improved by distinguishing the internal punctuation to enhance the impact of the statement: â€Å"Sorry, guys she’s married.† 3. â€Å"Now there’s a formula for ethical quandary.† Terms that are located at the beginning of a sentence and that refer to time (now, soon, before, afterward, and so on) may or may not, depending on their function, be followed by a comma, but in this case, in which now is used as a meaningless interjection and the emphasis is on the expletive there’s, it is essential: â€Å"Now, there’s a formula for ethical quandary.† Otherwise, the statement reads like a pitch from a television commercial for a shampoo formulated to eradicate ethical quandary. (Now, that would be a hot-selling product.) 4. â€Å"Residents decide driving, and shorter trips to places like Canada are safer options.† The phrase referring to travel to Canada is an interjection inserted into â€Å"Residents decide driving is the safer option,† with a change in the verb is and conversion of the singular option to the plural options to accommodate the additional choice: â€Å"Residents decide driving, and shorter trips to places like Canada, are safer options.† (Note that if the conjunction and were replaced with or, the verb and the form of the noun would remain singular: â€Å"Residents decide driving, or shorter trips to places like Canada, is a safer option.†) Alternatively, the sole comma in the original version could be omitted (â€Å"Residents decide driving and shorter trips to places like Canada are safer options†), but that revision changes the sense somewhat, turning a parenthetical aside into an integral part of the statement. 5. â€Å"This city knows how to create high-rise neighborhoods while San Francisco just talks about it.† Without a comma between the two clauses in this sentence, it reads as if one city has the knowledge about how to create high-rise neighborhoods during the time San Francisco just talks about it. But the meaning is that while San Francisco dawdles, the other city does: â€Å"This city knows how to create high-rise neighborhoods, while San Francisco just talks about it.† While is not used here to mean â€Å"at the same time,† denoting a continuation of one thought; it is a synonym for whereas, and the comma signals a new thought. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Meaning of "To a T"Use a Dash for Number RangesHow to Send Tactful Emails from a Technical Support Desk